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Prayer Recordings

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Adonai S'fatai and Avot v'Imahot - chanted

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Adonai S'fatai and Avot v'Imahot - recited

Rabbi Scott Hausman-Weiss | -

Adonai S'fatai and Avot v'Imahot (T'fillah) Recited Shabbat Morning Prayerbook p.12
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Aleinu - chanted

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Aleinu - recited

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Ashrei - chanted

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Ashrei - recited

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Avodah - recited

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Barechu - recited

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Barechu- Am I Awake? - sung

Noah Aronson | -

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Birchot HaShachar Heb-Eng. - chanted

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Birchot HaShachar Hebrew - chanted

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Chanukah Blessings - read and chanted

Debbie Uzick | -

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Chatzi Kaddish - chanted

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Chatzi Kaddish - recited

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Gevurot - chanted

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Gevurot - recited

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Haftarah blessing after the Haftarah - recited

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Haftarah blessing after the Haftarah - chanted

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Haftarah blessing before the Haftarah - chanted

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Haftarah blessing before the Haftarah - recited

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Kedushah - chanted

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Kedushah - recited

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Maariv Aravim - recited

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Mi Chamocha - recited

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Mi Chamocha - sung

Dan Nichols | -

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Modim - recited

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Pesach 4 questions - sung

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Pesach Basic Blessings - recited

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Shabbat Kiddush - recited

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Shabbat Kiddush - sung

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Shema - chanted

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Shema - recited

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Shema, Echad, Gadlu - chanted

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Shema, Echad, Gadlu - recited

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Tallit Blessing - recited

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Torah Blessing after Torah reading - chanted

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Torah Blessing after Torah reading - recited

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Torah Blessing before Torah reading - chanted

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Torah Blessing before Torah reading - recited

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V'ahavta - chanted

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V'ahavta - recited

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V'shamru - recited

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V'shamru - sung

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Yotzer Or - recited

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Thu, January 23 2025 23 Tevet 5785