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Failure is our Friend 

08/10/2023 09:35:25 AM


Failure is our friend. 

If we haven’t fallen, how do we learn how to get up?  And how do we discover how to offer a hand to another who has fallen?

If we haven’t fessed up to breaking our word, how do we learn to receive the effort when made in our direction?

If we haven’t strived for something beyond our reach, achieved even some measure of our goal, and learned to live with imperfection, how do we genuinely affirm that path for another?

Failure is our friend.  This is a striking theme of our High Holy Days, just a bit more than a month away. 

Starting with our online Zoom “Elul Project” (Thursdays, August 24, August 31, and September 7 from 7-8 p.m.), and continuing with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, beginning on September 15th, there will be many different and engaging opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and envisioning a better future for yourself and those closest to you. 

Many consider Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur limited to a Jewish process of begging God to save us for another year.  At CSK, we envision these 10 days of repentance quite differently -> with God, the Divine, the Soulful energy (however “God” shows up for you) of the universe as a gut-check and a guide, we seek a path forward for living that makes our lives matter.

Sign up now for the High Holy Days AND to receive the link for the Elul Project sessions.  The Elul Project will be live on 8-24, 8-31, and 9-7, as well as available afterward via You Tube.  When you sign up, you’ll receive the links to access one or both.

Click HERE to Register for CSK High Holy Days and the Elul Project!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784